Grand Opening

The Cyprus Historic and Classic Motor Museum is opening on Saturday, 1st of February 2014 at 15:00 hrs. All the proceeds from the opening weekend will be donated to Theotokos […]

Organized Scouts Visits

Visitors can admire the museum’s eclectic collection of cars covering the period of the last century. The museum highlights the cultural importance of the development and growth of the automobile […]

Organized Group Visits

Visitors can admire the museum’s eclectic collection of cars covering the period of the last century. The museum highlights the cultural importance of the development and growth of the automobile […]

Organized School Visits

Visitors can admire the museum’s eclectic collection of cars covering the period of the last century. The museum highlights the cultural importance of the development and growth of the automobile […]

Our First Theotokos Touring Rally

H Λέσχη Ιστορικών και Κλασσικών Οχημάτων Κύπρου (Λ.Ι.Κ.Ο.Κ ) σε συνεργασία με το Μουσείο Κλασικού και Ιστορικού Αυτοκινήτου, διοργανώνουν για πρώτη φορά το φιλανθρωπικό ράλι περιήγησης Θεοτόκος,στις 19 Οκτωβρίου 2014, […]