1st International Touring Rally – Akamas

Polis Municipality 25th Martiou str., Pafos, Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus

Η Λέσχη Ιστορικών και Κλασσικών Οχημάτων Κύπρου (Λ.Ι.Κ.Ο.Κ) συνεχίζοντας τη φιλανθρωπική της δράση, με ιδιαίτερη χαρά, διοργανώνει το ‘’1ο Διεθνές Ράλλυ Ιστορικού & Κλασσικού Αυτοκινήτου ΑΚΑΜΑΣ’’. Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί το Σάββατο και Κυριακή 16-17 Μάιου 2015. Στόχος είναι η στήριξη της δράσης του Ναυτικού Ομίλου Πόλεως Χρυσοχούς, διαθέτοντας το σύνολο των εσόδων για το […]

1st Traditional Carnival Party 2016

The Curium Palace Hotel Byron Street 11, Limassol, Cyprus

The Cyprus Historic and Classic Motor Museum invites you to a Charitable Traditional Carnival Dance where all proceeds will be given to the Cyprus Autism Association- Limassol Intervention Center. The dance starts at 8:30pm at the Curium Palace hotel on the 13th March 2016. The entrance fee is 35euros for adults and 18euros for children. […]


1st Spring Touring Rally

Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum Epimitheos str., Limassol, Cyprus

The Cyprus Historic and Classic Vehicles Club (L.I.K.O.K) with great pleasure is organising the Spring Touring Rally on Sunday 17th of April 2016. The start of the Spring Touring Rally will be at premises of Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum at Epimitheos Str., at 09:01 am. The rally will start with a special driving […]


2nd Concours d’Elegance 2016

Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum Epimitheos str., Limassol, Cyprus

The Cyprus Historic and Classic Vehicles Club (L.I.K.O.K) with great pleasure, is organizing for second year the classic vehicle competition ”Concours d’ Elegance”. The event will be held on Sunday, 03 July, 2016 at 10:00 at Cyprus Historic and Classic Motor Museum. Concours d ‘Elegance is a contest between classic vehicles for their authenticity, beauty, cleanliness and […]


3rd Theotokos Foundation Charity Touring Rally 2016

Theotokos Foundation Dimitri Lagiou, Limassol, Cyprus

Continuing our efforts for financial support of Theotokos foundation, the Cyprus Historic and Classic Vehicle Club (L.I.K.O.K.) is going to repeat the successful organisation of Theotokos Touring Rally for a third consecutive year. The 3rd Theotokos Touring Rally will take place on Sunday 23rd of October 2016. Like the previous years, L.I.K.O.K. will donate all proceeds from the […]

3rd Christmas Touring Rally

Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum Epimitheos str., Limassol, Cyprus

Η Λέσχη Ιστορικών και Κλασικών Οχημάτων Κύπρου σε συνεργασία με το Μουσείο Κλασικού & Ιστορικού Αυτοκινήτου, με ιδιαίτερη χαρά, διοργανώνουν για τρίτη συνεχόμενη χρονιά το φιλανθρωπικό Christmas Touring Rally την Κυριακή 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2016. Στόχος και του φετινού αγώνα είναι η ενίσχυση του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείου του Δήμου Λεμεσού, και να συμβάλουμε στην προσπάθεια για παροχή […]


Vasilopita Cutting Touting

Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum Epimitheos str., Limassol, Cyprus

Likok Club is inviting you to the Tour of Vasilopitta cutting on Sunday 22nd of January 2017. It will be a Touring event without competition timing and special stages. The start will be at 9.30 from the Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum’s premises. The cars in convoy driving will be directed to the city […]


2nd Traditional Carnival Dance

The Curium Palace Hotel Byron Street 11, Limassol, Cyprus

The Cyprus Historic and Classic Motor Museum and Cyprus Historic & Classic Vehicles Club invite you to a  Traditional Carnival Dance on Sunday, 26th of February 2017. The dance will take place at the Curium Palace hotel and starts at 8:30pm. The entrance fee is 35euros for adults and 18euros for children. This includes a lavish […]


2nd Spring Touring Rally

Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum Epimitheos str., Limassol, Cyprus

The Cyprus Historic and Classic Vehicles Club (L.I.K.O.K) with great pleasure is organising the Spring Regularity Challenge 2017 on Sunday 9th of April 2017. This event marks the beginning of the ARMOR ALL Classic Car Championship 2017 which LIKOK organises for the very first time in Cyprus. The start of the Spring Regularity Challenge will be the Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum at […]

Charalampides – Christis International Regularity Challenge

Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum Epimitheos str., Limassol, Cyprus

The Cyprus Historic and Classic Vehicles Club (L.I.K.O.K) with great pleasure is organising organizes the second event of the Armor All Classic Car Championship 2017. The event is the two days “Charalampides – Christis International Regularity Challenge” which will take place on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of June 2017. The start of the Charalampides – Christis International Regularity Challenge will be […]


4th Theotokos Charity Regularity Challenge

Theotokos Foundation Dimitri Lagiou, Limassol, Cyprus

Continuing our efforts for financial support of Theotokos foundation, the Cyprus Historic and Classic Vehicle Club (L.I.K.O.K.) is going to repeat the successful organisation of Theotokos Regularity Challenge for a fourth consecutive year. Grand sponsor of the event is SPS Stelios Panayiotou & Sons Ltd. The 4th Theotokos Regularity Challenge will take place on Sunday […]


4th Christmas Regularity Challenge

Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum Epimitheos str., Limassol, Cyprus

The Cyprus Historic and Classic Vehicles Club (L.I.K.O.K) with great pleasure is organising for fourth consecutive year the Christmas Regularity Challenge on Sunday 10th of December 2017. The event is Armor All’s Classic Car Championship last activity with several crews contesting for the title of the 2017 Champion. The aim of the Christmas Regularity Challenge is to support […]
